Starting with Excel - The Vital Essentials

On-Demand Schedule Wed, May 08, 2024 - Wed, May 15, 2024
Duration 90 Mins
Level Basic & Intermediate
Webinar ID IQW23K1102

  • Know the Excel Screen Like an Expert
  • Create your first Workbook with Confidence
  • Work with and Manage Workbooks Confidently
  • Working with Cells and Ranges - Power Techniques
  • Outline of the 450+ functions in Excel
  • Formula Essentials

Overview of the webinar

You can use Excel for basic tables, spreadsheets, calculations, and charts through to powerful data management, PivotTables, professional graphs, and automation of repetitive tasks.

Confident skills in this most popular and powerful Microsoft application are becoming an essential requirement in business, government, and education.

Gain a solid foundation to efficiently build your knowledge to work smarter, boost your work output, save significant time and produce outstanding professional results.

This course effectively promotes a sound understanding of the Excel interface, features, and capabilities incorporating hands-on practice, productivity tips, and shortcuts.


Gaining this knowledge is a fundamental and highly marketable skill set in Excel and is vital in a wide range of professions and fields including accounting, financial analysis, government, and business administration. 

Who should attend?

  • A diverse range of professions including accounting, banking, financial planning, business analysis, economics, investment advice, bookkeeping, education, small/medium business, statistics, consulting, strategic planning, tourism, and hospitality, etc;
  • Private, public and academic sector staff, managers & executives, or anyone seeking to maximize their investment in MS Office to confidently use each relevant MS Office application to:
  • Accurately manage and present data, financial statements, charts, and business-critical information;
  • Effectively use and manage email, appointments, and meetings;
  • Produce engaging presentations for sales, marketing, staff updates, training, etc;
  • Create professional, fully referenced, clear, and concise documents, reports, and publications;
  • Plan, manage, track and finalize projects efficiently;
  • Design, update and manage database tables, forms, queries, and reports.

Why should you attend?

To work effectively with Excel you must start with efficient habits and the application of correct proven techniques.

Faculty - Mr.Ray Evans

Ray’s professional and relaxed style reflects his thorough understanding of adult learning principles and is demonstrated through his diverse range of classroom, seminar, workshop, and online delivery services and instructional materials.

With Microsoft Certifications in Excel and Word, he has mastered over 2500 topics to an advanced level in Microsoft Excel, Access, Outlook, Project, PowerPoint, Word, Visio, and Publisher.

Ray has qualifications in Frontline Management, Accounting, Training, and Assessment and is certified in Six Sigma business improvement methodology.

Having trained over 30,000 students, business owners and executives since 1990 and authored a wide range of training and procedural documentation, complex reports and engaging internet content, Ray has demonstrated strong ability in key communication styles and knowledge transfer.


 ”Thanks Ray, brilliant webinar!”
Lorella D'Angelo

 ”Wonderful presentation, extensive knowledge, caters for introductory through to advanced.”
Sarah Hill

 ”The affordability, accessibility, and easy learning techniques of these courses is second to none, and I've done QUITE A FEW courses over the years.”
Helen Lindquist

 ”We have no hesitation in recommending Ray to any organization requiring computer training at all levels.”
Andy Kirss

 ”Fabulous...webinar! Thank you. Looking forward to your next session.”
Elizabeth Walker-Manson

 ”I have no hesitation in recommending you to any organisation seeking professional and cost effective Microsoft software training and courseware.”
Nick Spyrou

 ”Presentation was most interesting. You were very easy to follow & I learnt a lot of very helpful things. Many thanks! ... Just what I needed, & within my reach.”
Mark Whitfield

 I found the presentations easy to follow and the delivery of information kept me interested & involved throughout the whole session. No boring intervals at all!
Vicki Flavel

 ”I found these presentations to be a highly practical way to gain valuable knowledge in an easily managed and understandable format.”
Bill Valencic

 ”Finally, an easy and cost-effective way to keep our staff at the cutting edge of the Microsoft Suite 24/7. I am yet to see a more powerful or effective means of providing top-level software training.”
Spiro Vithoulkas

 “The hands-on exercises worked well. I wish I had learned Pivot Tables a long time ago!”
Anna Harvey

 ”Having the multiple PivotTable worksheets to refer to works well. Great Presentation.”
Wendy Ashman




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